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>>>This website friend tells you the most expensive details of decoration

Not to be in the Province

When decorating, it is certainly not important to save 20% of money for decoration and decoration costs. However, if you save money in some special places, later maintenance and other work may cost more. For example, some parts that need frequent activities must consider the quality, especially the socket. The copper plate inside the socket is very important. The copper plate in a good socket will be very smooth. Bad outlets can cause delamination of the plastic wire, which may eventually lead to a short circuit, thus causing unnecessary damage to the appliance. There are curtain rods, preferably metal rods, because solid wood rods will be deformed over time. As long as careful planning, decoration and saving money is no longer a myth.

Save money

1. Tile saving method

Before the renovation, it is necessary to clarify how many years this decoration is expected to take. If you plan to renovate five years later, you won't need to be so expensive when you choose materials. Under the premise of choosing tiles, there is no need to choose tiles worth several hundred dollars per square meter. Some bricks of fifty or sixty dollars are also of good quality. They can also meet people's visual requirements from the aesthetic point of view. Save a lot of money.

2. Cupboard saving method

Cabinets are one aspect of relative spending when decorating.

The cabinets in the kitchen are mainly easy to clean and strong, and they mainly examine these factors when choosing. Most of the products that are currently on the market are plates or solid wood panels, which are characterized by simple assembly. However, sometimes it is easily deformed, and when it is bought, the price is usually calculated in terms of linear meters, ranging from 1,500 yuan/mm to 6,000 yuan/mm. In fact, taking into account environmental protection, durability and other factors, you can completely use the traditional method - brick. With red bricks on the bottom of the platform, after the bricks are tiled, the granite on the countertops is thicker than 1.5 cm. And there is no dead space in such cabinets, which will reduce the use of water in the use of water is not afraid of blisters. This set down, 4,000 yuan is basically enough, cheaper than buying a cabinet 2000-3000 yuan.

Many owners do not know how to calculate the material before the renovation. The price of materials used will be high and low. When the money is lost, it will be bought. This is wrong. Be sure to do serious calculations before buying materials.

For example, people always hope to make a waistline when the bathroom is tiled, so it will look better. However, the waist line is often very expensive, in fact, use their brains, and other ideas can also have the same effect. The tiles of the main entrance of the bathroom can be replaced with other colors, such as black and gold, which can also highlight the jumping effect of the entire wall and save a lot of money.

3. The door saves money law

Now the doors are divided into many types, such as solid wood doors, solid wood model doors, composite doors, unpainted doors, and covered doors. When used as an ordinary family, paper core door is enough. The core load of the paper core door is very large, and the sound insulation effect is also good, basically around 400 yuan/inch. And in the second decoration, the door was polished directly with sandpaper, and the spray paint was the same as the new one.

4. Waterproof and save money

When choosing a sanitary ware, consider more functionality.

The current construction contractor's price for waterproofing is about 60 yuan per square meter. Brushing and waterproofing is actually a very simple matter. If the owners are careful enough, this work can be done by themselves. 3 square meters of the bathroom, a large bucket of waterproof material can brush the whole two times, close to the ground can brush three times, so basically enough. It's just that there is a drawback. Once there is a problem of leakage, it can only take responsibility for it.

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