How the United States and Britain decided to change the price of oil

United States: The price of oil is basically determined by the market. International Energy News: In the United States, which promotes a free market economy, the price of gasoline is basically determined by the market. Gas stations in the United States will consider a variety of factors when setting oil prices. They may even adjust oil prices frequently within the same day.

The price of gasoline in the United States is not only rising, but with the fall in international crude oil prices, the price of gasoline in the United States is also rapidly declining. The trend is basically consistent with the international market.

One of the main reasons why American gasoline goes on the market is that the cost of crude oil accounts for a major part of its cost structure. According to the statistics of the US Department of Energy last year, 55% of the average cost of gasoline is crude oil, 22% is the refining chain, 19% is the tax revenue, and 4% is wholesale and marketing. As crude oil prices rose, gasoline prices soared naturally; crude oil prices fell, and gasoline prices naturally fell, which was quickly reflected in the pricing of gas stations.

However, in the United States, the price of gasoline at the two gas stations and even the same label in different regions and even the same street is not exactly the same. The size of gas stations, the number of customers, the number of profits, and the remoteness of geographical locations will all affect gasoline prices.

When the price of oil changes greatly, some gas stations will adjust the price of gasoline every day. Even the morning oil price and the afternoon oil price will be different.

However, the US gasoline market is basically monopolized by several major oil companies. In order to push up the price of gasoline, they tend to reduce production, causing gasoline prices to rise due to supply shortages. The "oil manipulation theory" has thus always been a controversial topic in American society.

Britain: It's easy to fall so hard to compare with the United States. The trend of Britain's oil price is not so close to the international market. When the international oil price is lowered, the British fuel supplier can always put forward various reasons for not lowering the price. In short, it is easy to fall.

When the price of oil in the international market was raised, British oil companies responded quickly and immediately raised their prices. When the market fell, companies often postponed price adjustments for various reasons. Consumers generally believe that fuel retailers have kept more of the difference in their pockets.

Among the many reasons why British fuel suppliers do not cut their prices in the anti-market, the most mentioned is that the government’s taxes are too high. Take the British retail unleaded petrol as an example. If there are 80 pence per liter, 21 pence is the government-imposed tax. In addition, these companies said that as oil prices soared, they tried to keep the retail price from rising too much and lost a lot of benefits. Therefore, when the international oil price falls, they naturally have reason to slow down the pace of "self-sufficiency."

Other companies also said that the increase in fuel prices is higher than inflation because oil companies need to invest a lot of money to increase oil exploration and exploitation, and the cost of new technology research and development is also rising.

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